Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fishing for Knowledge

Welcome back to the fifth edition of The Importance of Fishing. There have been some very good questions asked over the last few weeks, and I would like to answer some of those. I will also discuss what those questions have made me relearn about fishing. The questions that my readers asked, have made me go back into my mental warehouse of fishing knowledge and revisit some of the more basic importance's to myself and other fisherman.

First I would like to list some of the questions asked, and answer them as best I can.

Question 1: What are some tips that you would give on deep water fishing?

Answer 1: The most important tip I would give about deep water fishing, is to ALWAYS have the proper safety equipment on-board the boat. Examples include: life jackets, long range radio, flares, fresh water, food, and any equipment needed for large fish.

Question 2: What is the most important thing to consider while fishing in deep water?

Answer 2: This one is an easy one and relates to Question 1. SAFETY! There is nothing else more important than safety while doing any style of fishing, especially in deep water.

Question 3:  Do you prefer fresh water or salt water fishing? 

Answer 3: I most definitely prefer salt water over fresh. The reason is simple. You will typically get a lot more action from a larger spectrum of fish while in salt water. Basically, in salt water, you never know what you might catch. For instance, while fishing for Sea Trout (about 20 inches long and maybe a pound), I hooked in to a 75lbs Tarpon.


 Final Question: Does fishing in competitions require years of practice or could you start as a beginner?

Final Answer: There are fishing competitions that range in difficulty from beginner to pro all over the world, but I would definitely try to learn a bit about the fish and location before you spend that money on the gas and entry fees. Most pro tournaments won't let you enter unless you have spent time on the amateur circuit with a good record.

These are all really good questions, and made me remember a lot about my passion that I had taken for granted after all these years. I have since checked all my safety gear to insure its working condition. Some of the equipment was in need of replacement, so thanks to those reminders I will have the proper gear next time I head out to fish. I also was unsure of the current Pro Circuit entry rules, so I took a look at some of those as well. I will not begin to list them all, but any fisherman wishing to participate on the Pro Circuit must spend time in the Amateur Circuit first. However, if you are a decent fisherman and have lots of money to spend on your fishing toys, it shouldn't take you very long to get on the pro tours.

That's it for this edition. Be sure to check out my next installment for some funny fish tales, and to learn about a very close and humorous family, fisherman can be.

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